from Wikipedia: is the process of disassembly and recovery
After “Eichenriegel” came to the actual musical work, a completely new, surprising aspect: Numerous requests reached Das-Kollektiv.Net, always with the same question: Could we build a remix of one or another song?
This theme was for Das-Kollektiv.Net not previously employed – now the question was present. And so was born next to creating new songs a second task with new challenges: Set your own music in question! Recreate your own music! Designe yourself not only forward, evolve in all directions! Select well!
Do not destroy, continue the musical story and create – MORE!
For music and content it was obvious: It wouldn´t be enough and it may not be enough to turn just a little at the controls! It wouldn´t be enough and it may not be enough to use just the existing recording studio-technics and systems!
This claim in the heads and in the minds Das-Kollektiv.Net turned its first from outside required task.
Thus, a small number of songs was finally remixed in a new form! ReManufactured!
But at the same time the new plant grew – and even if its completion now had to take longer, it already took form: new , powerful and mighty!
So are the words of the song “Moment” message and at the same time new aim to themselves: “Dies ist nicht das Ende!”