Das, was bleibt, hat keinen Namen
Nichts davon geblieben
The aim slumbered for a long time in all participants : not only to consume music, to imitate or interpret, but to create music itself. This was sense and drive and can be heard in “Das, was bleibt, hat keinen Namen”!
Filled with sound, musically and musical experiences, perceptions and preferences, filled with ideas, beliefs, and knowledge, the units went to their first joint work.
Musically on the one hand between known, danceable and on the other hand abstract and lesser-known movements was created and developed, step by step, the striking and distinctive sound: Das-Kollektiv.Net! There were also the textual content in combination of concentration, high standards and growth.
Although giving to recognize only upon closer listening, the individual topics is quite clear to hear, how concrete alternating with abstract, while it keeps the balance. On the one hand the horrifying dominions of recent German history with war and suffering of women and men, mothers and sons, as well as dealing with the subject of war in the course of 2000 years of history and how it was treated.
At the same time also always music and content abstract variations of melancholy pleasure. Whether shadowy end time scenarios, unhappy loves or the game with the transience of all being – it is a gloomy-sounding, but still wide sprectrum in this first album.

Involved units: 7
kollektiv-einheit 5422: lyrics / vocals
kollektiv-einheit 501: mixing / sound / media-art
kollektiv-einheit 262: rhythm / sequencing
kollektiv-einheit 438: arrangement / programming / media-art
kollektiv-einheit 454: lyrics / spoken vocals
001 / Rabenbrut
002 / Der schwarze Mann
003 / Hans
004 / Carthaginem esse delendam
005 / H(Alb)traum
006 / Narbgesicht
007 / Henkersrufe
008 / Kleine stücke
009 / Untergang braucht mut
010 / Keine vision
011 / Grau
012 / Ich frage mich
013 / Eisenteile
014 / Vom leben befreit
Produced & Mixed
2007-2009 @ kollektiv headquarter
Friedemann Tischmeyer @ www.tischmeyer-mastering.de