Faktum (Lat.: fact) – some broken parts cant´t ever be fixed, some words can´t be unsaid any more, some things can´t be made unhappened – time won´t go backwards in this universe, we live in. So there are facts, we have to handle.
As well das-kollektiv.net has to do so.
Though members of das-kollektiv.net somehow seem to appear unpersonally – they do have personallity, they do have a life, they do have to deal with facts as well.
One of this is, that ke 262 died.
So das-kollektiv.net lost one very important person and one especially in the beginning of das-kollektiv.net most influencing member.
Step by step realising what happened, the remaining members started to look in both directions of time – backwards and forwards.
This is what made FAKTUM! become a fascinating combination of a modernised tracks of das-kollektiv.net-history and a number of new, great songs, full of

Involved units: 9
kollektiv-unit 5422….lyrics / vocals
kollektiv-unit 5022….mixing / sound / media-art
kollektiv-unit 262….rhythm / sequencing
kollektiv-unit 438….arrangement / programming / media-art
kollektiv unit 454….lyrics / spoken words
kollektiv unit 392….lyrics / vocals
kollektiv unit 126….vocals
kollektiv unit 610….vocals / programming
kollektiv unit 4220….lyrics
01 / Feldforscher
02 / Particle physics
03 / So I asked the universe
04 / Sonnenwinde -remanufactured-
05 / Lauf -remanufactured-
06 / Ikarus
07 / Flucht
08 / Keine Vision -remanufactured-
09 / h(Alb)traum -remanufactured-
10 / Licht in der Dunkelheit
11 / Sieben -remanufactured-
12 / Epilog I
13 / Epilog II
Produced & Mixed
Jan. 2017 – Feb. 2019 @ kollektiv headquarter
Fabian Tormin @ plätlin mastering